World Birding Trips

A bumble around Santon Downham and Lynford, 9 February 2019

Belinda and I made our way down to Santon Downham today on a bright but windy day.

My main aim was to see Spring Snowflake and there was very impressive display near Santon Downham church. 2 walks then failed to yield much at all with just a few Bramblings around feeders in the village, 2 Mistle Thrushes and a scattering of Siskins.

Spring Snowflakes


We then moved to Lynford Arboretum where we spent a little time photographing birds by the bridge - Marsh Tits, Reed Buntings and Siskins being the highlights. A circuit around the paddocks then livened things up as a Raven flew over and then I finally found a lone Hawfinch in the top of one of the hornbeams. Redwings were also conspicuous. On the way back a Crossbill flew over the bridge area and a Firecrest was singing in the arboretum.

Marsh Tit

Reed Bunting





A quick look on Lynford Water revealed just a drake Goldeneye of note.   

It was nice to be out to clear the cobwebs, chill out, photograph some of the commoner birds and recover from the full-on nature of Vietnam!    

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