World Birding Trips

Vietnam, Day 12, 1 February 2019 - Mang Den

In a repeat of yesterday we spent the morning walking the lanes and forest trails at Mang Den. The afternoon was then spent relocating to our hotel in Dak To.

A roadside stop in the minibus to try and photograph Long-tailed Shrike resulted in a plethora of birds on a hillside in the first sunlight of the day - a gaggle of Scarlet Minivets, Grey-chinned Minivet, 2 Indochinese Cuckooshrikes, White-bellied Epornis, Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike, 2 Chestnut-tailed Starlings and Verditer Flycatcher.

Along the forest trails we made for a spot we'd heard Chestnut-eared Laughingthrush yesterday but sadly it wasn't playing ball. It wasn't the only time we tried and failed during the day! Nonetheless an Indochinese Wren-babbler did, and did several circuits around us before giving some brief but nice views. 2 White-crowned Forktails flew past in such a blur that only Minh and I saw them. An occupational hazzard of birding with a group in a forest. Other highlights for me were a Rufous-browed Flycatcher that finally decided to show (once again I was the only one to get on the deck views), 2 Yellow-billed Nuthatches, 2 Sultan Tits (a very much wanted tick for me having got utv's of a probable in Thailand a few years back), 2 Rufous-faced Warblers, 3 Blue-winged Minlas, Necklaced Barbet, Bay Woodpecker, 2 Ratchet-tailed Treepies that showed well from the road, c4 Black-throated Sunbirds, Green-tailed Sunbird and a self-found Grey-crowned Leafbird.

Other goodies included Blyth's Shrike-babbler, Southern Jungle Crows, Black Bulbuls, Grey-crowned Tits and Mountain Fulvetta.

Long-tailed Shrike

 Scarlet Minivets


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