World Birding Trips

Wymondham Abbey Peregrine, 22 March 2019

I took a drive out to Wymondham this morning. To do some shopping but also to try for the regular Peregrine there. After doing a whole 360 around the abbey I found the bird perched high up on the last side of the second tower! After spending some time in the town I returned on the way back to the car at it was still in the same spot. Quite a small bird so presumably a male. A Great Spotted Woodpecker was drumming too.

While passing I also had a quick check in Ashwellthorpe Woods and found a few rosettes of Early Purple Orchids showing that the season is nearly upon us. The first few Wood Anenomes and plenty of Early Dog Violets were also out. There was also a flock of c40 Yellowhammers in stubble/hedges on the walk to the wood.


      Early Purple Orchid rosette

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