World Birding Trips

Yomps around Kessingland & Southwold, 17 March 2019

Belinda and I donned our walking botts today and did a total of 12km in 2 separate walks at Kessingland and then around Town Marshes at Southwold.

It was one of those changeable early spring days when we enjoyed a picnic lunch in the sun and then got hailed on a short while later! Of note was a single White Wagtail amongst Pied Wagtails and a couple of Reed Buntings on the settling beds at Kessingland SW. A Chiffchaff was also singing there and another was singing in a copse further to the SW on our walk where Alexanders were out in profusion. A Small Tortoiseshell was also braving the elements!

Despite looking I failed to find a Wheatear anywhere, just adding Stonechat at Kessingland and Rock Pipit at Southwold where we finished the day with tea and cake in the Harbour Cafe and a soaking on the walk back to the car!

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