World Birding Trips

Little Bittern and a bunch of pansies, 14 May 2019

An after work evening out with Jus and Andy down in the Brecks.

With news of the male Little Bittern having been showing on and off for most of the day at Nunnery Lakes, Thetford we all wanted to see it. After a short walk across Barnham Cross Common we were delighted to find it on view immediately. We'd expected to need more patience than that! It was watched at length clambering around in lakeside vegetation, stood motionless at the waters edge and preening high in a willow. Views through the scope were excellent but it was too distant for anything other than poor record shots (as you'll see below!). Also there was a Cuckoo, 2 Garden Warblers, Lesser Whitethroat, Yellowhammer and Reed Warbler.

We then wandered across the common to a spot we'd been told about and quickly found a healthy number of Breckland Pansies in pristine condition. A ssp of Wild Pansy (aka Sand Pansy) these Breckland ones are very scarce.

Another look at the Little Bittern followed plus a hunting Barn Owl and then Greater Celandine and Wild Mignonette were id'd beside the carpark and the light faded.

Little Bittern

Breckland Pansies

More Breckland Pansies!

Greater Celandine

    Wild Mignonette

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