World Birding Trips

A fulvofuscus re-visit and other bits, 28 June 2019

When I visited this Bee Orchid var. fulvofuscus a few days ago it was raining so the photos all show wet and shiny plants. So, being the perfectionist, I wanted to go back and get some better photographs! Here they are:

 Bee Orchid var. fulvofuscus

While in the area Belinda and I went for a couple of nice walks and ended up with an early evening picnic which was very pleasant and peaceful. Things of interest we saw were a party of 8 Mandarins, forests of Viper's Bugloss, Common Toadflax, Ladys Bedstraw, Marsh Woundwort, Water Forget-me-not, Dark Mullien and also my first Essex Skipper of the year and Small Coppers, Small Heaths, Painted Ladies, Ringlets, Meadow Browns and Large Skippers. Odonata were represented by Emperor Dragonfly, Hairy Dragonfly, Black-tailed Skimmer and Four-spotted Chasers.


Essex Skipper

Common Toadflax

Common Comfrey

Small Copper

 Marsh Woundwort

Back at home today (29th) I had a close encounter with a Sloe Shieldbug and a Cucumber Green Orb Spider.

Sloe Shieldbug

   Cucumber Green Orb Spider

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