World Birding Trips

A weekend of fungus forays, 25 & 26 October 2019

Belinda and I had a couple of forays into the woods this weekend to see what we could find in the weird and wonderful world of fungi.

On Friday we had a short stroll in Tyrrel's Wood, an ancient broadleaved wood close to home which is managed by the Woodland Trust. On Saturday morning we spent a while longer in the woods at Whitlingham CP, Trowse on the edge of Norwich. Here we concentrated our efforts along the beech avenue and the woodland surrounding the picnic meadow. The highlights are shown in photographic form below. By the slipway at Whitlingham was one dodgy Barnacle Goose.

Brown Rollrim

Clouded Agaric

Common Puffball

False Deathcap

Lilac Bonnet

Pestle Puffball

Pipeclub Fungus

Powdery Brittlegill

Shaggy Parasol

Bulbous Honey Fungus

Common Cavalier

Cucumber Cup

Dark Honey Fungus

Ear-pick Fungus

Haresfoot Inkcaps

Jelly Ear

Lilac Bonnet

Porcelain Fungus

Rootlet Brittlestem

Wood Woolly Foot

Death Cap

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