World Birding Trips

Norwich, 29 January 2020

A trip into my home city of Norwich today. After chores, shopping and lunch I headed to Hellesdon Road on my way out. In the tall trees between the road and the River Wensum I found a single Ring-necked Parakeet sat silently and unobtrusively. A Little Egret flew along the river and a Stock Dove was also present. As I was leaving 2 more parakeets flew in and one perched a bit lower so I managed a quick pic just before I left. In the city earlier, in Goldring Place just off Dereham Road a patch of Trailing Bellflower on a south-facing wall was actually in bloom. This species, according to Harrap has a Jun to Oct flowering period! Other January flowers included Common Chickweed and Groundsel

Ring-necked Parakeet

Trailing Bellflower

  Common Chickweed

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