World Birding Trips

Patch tick - Red-crested Pochards at Weybread, 17 March 2020

Something to brighten the doon and gloom a bit. I spent a little time at Weybread this afternoon. Parking up on Watermill Lane I got out of my van and immediately a pair of Red-crested Pochards swam out from the bank of no.1 pit. A new species for the patch. A short walk around that area and I also had my first singing Chiffchaff of the spring (on exactly the same date as my 1st last year) and Great-spotted Woodpecker plus plenty of Lesser Celandine, Sweet Violets and a wild-looking patch of Daffodils in a remote spot.

Earlier, while working in Harleston a Peacock near the high school was my first butterfly of 2020

    Red-crested Pochards

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