World Birding Trips

Dickleburgh Moor comes up trumps with a Pectoral Sandpiper, 9 September 2020

We had been talking up the possibility of a Pectoral Sandpiper or other rarity at Dickleburgh Moor because the place is drawing in a great variety of passage waders. And then I get a message from Ben Moyes saying that he's pretty sure he's just found one!

I was out of the door and at the carpark in about 4 minutes (!) to be greeted with views of the bird with a few Ruff near the central bund and it was indeed a juv Pec - woohoo! After watching it for a while we decided to move around the the gate on the western side for better views and from here the light and views were better but still too distant for much in the way of photography. The 3 juv Spotted Redshank were also still present with c12 Ruff, 3 Greenshank and 4 Ringed Plover. A Red Kite circled over again, a Hobby hawked for and caught a dragonfly to our left and then we got onto another site tick - a rather splendid juv Mediterranean Gull loafing amongst the other larids.

I wonder what next...?

                                                                                                                                 Pectoral Sandpiper
                                                                                                                              Mediterranean Gull

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