World Birding Trips

Waxham goodies, 16 October 2020

With all of my paint and supplies shopping done by late morning I ventured up to Waxham for the afternoon. c20 Fieldfares were along the Horsey straight on the way. Parking by the bend in the coast road just north of Brograve Farm I walked to the dunes and then south towards the pipe dump. En-route it was evident that there were loads of migrant Goldcrests but other than a couple of Redwings and c15 Long-tailed Tits moving south migrants were quite limited. Arriving at the copse just north of the pipe dump I was delighted to find the active and obliging Red-flanked Bluetail showing on and off including some lovely views of it on the wire fence at the front of the copse. c40 Siskins moved north overhead. 

Having had my fill I walked back north and onwards to the Shangri-la area noting yet more Goldcrests, 2 Song Thrushes and 3 Redwings on the way. Searching the trees by the Bide-a-Wee chalet for a long time and looking through countless Goldcrests I eventually located the Pallas's Warbler high up in the trees and watched it for about a minute before promptly losing it again.

As I started the drive home I spotted a Common Crane flying over the field opposite Poppylands cafe at Horsey. Stopping for a better view I immediately heard the unmistakeable call of a Richard's Pipit over the beet field which flew away and right into the distance. 

All in all a thoroughly entertaining afternoon. Little did I know but it was to get much better...

                                                                                                                                  Red-flanked Bluetail

                                                                                                                                                 Brown Rat

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