World Birding Trips

Halesworth amble, 1 November 2020

Needing some exercise we enjoyed a good walk around the Halesworth area on Sunday. Doing several loops we discovered some completely new areas to us and some interesting habitats. It was also nice to 'find' remnants of the long defunct Southwold Railway and walk a section of the old track route.  

Surprisingly, the year just keeps on giving from a botanical angle and I saw 3 more new plants for my burgeoning list - Common Polypody Fern, Late Cotoneaster and Larustinus. Into the bargain there were also quite a few unusually late flowering plants - Wood Avens, Sweet Violet and Wild Clary! Butterflies aren't quite finished for the year either - a Red Admiral was seen

                                                                                                                         Common Polypody Fern
                                                                                                                                    Late Cotoneaster
                                                                                                                                   Wood Avens
                                                                                                                                      Sweet Violet
                                                                                                                                             Wild Clary

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