World Birding Trips

Dickleburgh Moor, 7 January 2021

The extremely boring locked-down start to 2021 pretty much continued in a brief visit to local Dickleburgh Moor this afternoon.

The recent floods have turned the site into one massive lagoon but luckily the northern grassy access bund is dry. In a very cold 40 mins my counts were:

Marsh Harrier 1 (imm male), Common Buzzard 1, Gadwall 27, Tufted Duck 51, Wigeon 2, Teal c15, Little Grebe 1, Great Crested Grebe 1, Lapwing c70, Mistle Thrush 1, Fieldfare 1, Redwing c60

Other local birds since the turn of the year have been few and far between but have included Nuthatch, Great Spotted and Green Woodpeckers.

The year can only get better - can't it? 

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