World Birding Trips

Early hirundines at Dickleburgh Moor, 1 April 2021

A very pleasant if bitterly cold hour down at the moor. 

Initially it looked like it was going to be a very dull visit with literally nothing of note seen except a single Little Egret. Ben arrived and began walking the flooded eastern bund but still nothing much was seen. I eventually picked out a very distant single Redshank and 2 Pochard (a site tick). Thnigs then started to liven up with 2 Yellow Wagtails over the far paddock but not stopping then 2, quickly up to 4 Swallows joined by 3 Sand Martins and a single House Martin over the poplars. Ben then picked up 2 flying waders that settled on the near edge to be quickly joined by another - 3 Little Ringed Plovers.

In the end a most worthwhile visit with earliest dates for House Martin, Yellow Wagtail and my equal earliest for Swallow.     

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