World Birding Trips

A night at Weybread GPs, 6 August 2021

On Friday night we had an impromptu night at Weybread sailing club in our moho. Belinda is a member of the club so we are allowed to stay there and it's a lovely spot by the edge of Ocean Pit. Initially the weather did it's best to spoil the evening but a heavy downpour did at least test our awning out! Things settled down after that and while later I was wandering down by the waters edge and found a few Red-eyed Damselflies and shortly afterwards 2 interesting plants growing side by side by the edge - they proved to be Skullcap and Trifid Bur-marigold, both new ones for me and also pretty scarce. A Kingfisher called nearby and then a surprise Turtle Dove flew in to waterside willows. The usual Common Terns were out on the water too.

We rounded the daylight hours off with a sunset kayak paddle which was lovely. 

                                                                                                                                  Trifid Bur-marigold


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