World Birding Trips

A wintering Blackcap, 13 December 2021

I'd not seen a wintering Blackcap for some while so while up at Wiveton on Monday this female was very nice to see. Just a pity it was the first day of 'no-show' of the recent Barred Warbler there. That pretty much sums up my luck at the moment. Apart from a Grey Wagtail, Cetti's Warbler and the unusual sight of 6 Bullfinches flying over together at the same spot the day is one that's best forgotten.

A very close encounter with a massive stag Red Deer on the road between Holt and Cley had me braking sharply - it could have been a real mess!

I did pop into St Margaret's Church in Cley too - the recent Black Redstart was absent but even on my current run of form I couldn't really miss the White-crowned Sparrow stained glass window! A reminder of more productive times.


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