World Birding Trips

Taiga Bean Geese at Buckenham - but for how much longer? 20 December 2021

Our flock of Taiga Bean Geese that traditionally winter in the Yare Valley has been dwindling in numbers for at least the last decade. This winter just 5 have turned up and with such low numbers you really have to wonder if this will be the last year they grace our marshes. 

In between various chores and Christmas deliveries I popped into Buckenham Marshes at around lunchtime to pay homage to them. With such low numbers locating them has gradually become more difficult and I was greeted by one other birder who hadn't been able to find them. Luckily I picked the small group up within about 10 minutes in the far left corner of the marsh not far from the railway line. Despite being probably a kilometer away they were readily id'd and I managed the dodgy record shot below. Other than a mass of Pink-footed Geese, Wigeon and Teal plus a Mistle Thrush there wasn't much else to delay me from getting on with my errands. 


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