World Birding Trips

A yomp around Covehithe and Benacre, 23 January 2022

A circular walk starting and finishing in Covehithe taking us north as far as Beach Farm and then back via an inland loop.

Conditions were dry, grey and very still with the sea merging into the sky offshore. Sightings were thin on the ground with 4 Red-throated Divers offshore, c400 Brent Geese south and a single Brambling in a finch flock inland which otherwise consisted of 90% Linnets and a few Chaffinches and Goldfinches. Benacre Broad held c1000 Lapwings, 11 Sanderling and a handful of Dunlin but nothing untoward. An interesting plant naturalised along the crumbling clifftop at Covehithe was Garden Parsley which I'd never seen growing in a 'wild' setting before. 

Henstead church on the way had very few Snowdrops up yet but at least I did find some clumps of Stinking Hellebore near Beccles which I stopped and photographed on the way home.

                                                                                                                                 Stinking Hellebore

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