World Birding Trips

Local bits of interest in late January

The first tentative steps towards spring were noted locally in Pulham in the last few days with Winter Aconite, Lungwort and Snowdrop all in flower. 

While working out at Colegate End this week a curious partial albino Blackbird was in my customer's garden as were a pair of Bullfinches feeding on their budding fruit trees. Painting a window there I also found a small seed beetle overwintering in the window frame that has proved to be Bruchus rufimanus, also known as Broad Bean Weevil.

Meanwhile our garden Goldcrest continues to sing every day from our conifer at the front of the house.

                                                                                                  Bruchus rufimanus (Broad Bean Weevil)
                                                                                                                          Partial albino Blackbird
                                                                                                                                    Winter Aconite

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