World Birding Trips

Thompson Common and Wayland Wood, 3 April 2022

Belinda and I headed west on Sunday to walk the Thompson Common/Wayland Wood area. To be honest I had ulterior motives as usual!

A walk around the pingoes on the northern part of the common resulted in the wolf spider Piratula latitans in the grass by one of the more open pingoes plus singing Yellowhammer and numerous Chiffchaffs. Venturing out onto the lane on the west side of the site I was chuffed to find a big concentration of 200+ Moschatel plants growing all over the verges on both sides of the road. 

We then relocated to Wayland Wood with a quick roadside stop on the way - to see what has become a bit of a bogey plant in recent weeks - Creeping Comfrey. And now having seen some I realise they are pretty distinctive things. Wayland Wood itself has the scarce Yellow Star of Bethlehem and I managed to find 3 flowering plants in the usual area. Also around a circuit of the wood were the start of Early Purple Orchids and Bluebells plus Barren Strawberry, Wood Anenome, Ground Ivy, Primroses, Bird Cherry and no doubt much more...       

A long walk along the Peddars Way to Thompson Water and back finished off our exercise for the day. 

                                                                                                                                       Piratula latitans


                                                                                                                                    Creeping Comfrey
                                                                                                                          Yellow Star of Bethlehem
                                                                                                            Early Purple Orchid - nearly there!

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