World Birding Trips

Reydon Waxwings, 21 January 2023

A walking day in the Southwold area but not before a stop in Reydon on the way! 

Luckliy the 4 Waxwings were present on arrival in The Drive and desoite shunning the berries in favour of ariel insect feeding I was able to get a few decent shots with a little patience and fieldcraft. The group consisted of 3 adults and 1 1w. 

Later on in the day a 1w Whooper Swan was a rather strange sight on the sea just south of Southwold pier in the company of a single Red-throated Diver. A stop at Hen Reedbeds revealed no snakes lurking under their metal sheets but a single Reed Bunting stopped for a shot and 15 Curlew flew over.

                                                                                                                                        Reed Bunting

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