World Birding Trips

Waveney Valley Wander, 6 February 2023

I was up bright and early for a frosty but sunny walk in the Waveney Valley west of Weybread. 

Immediately it was obvious that resident birds are beginning their spring awakening with 3 different singing Song Thrushes, 2 pairs of Mistle Thrushes and 2 pairs of noisy Egyptian Geese. Greenfinches and Dunnocks were also in good voice. It was nice to see Hazel trees with their tiny magenta female flowers alongside the male catkins and both Common Orange Lichen and the 'reindeermoss' lichen Cladonia portentosa.

Back at Weybread a circular walk around no.1 pit and along Watermill Lane was completely fruitless! At least I clocked up a good few km walking.

At home we have both Early Crocus and Lungwort in flower locally.

                                                                                                                           Common Orange Lichen
                                                                                                                             Cladonia portentosa
                                                                                                                            Early Crocus

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