World Birding Trips

Dunston and Tyrrels Wood, 19 April 2023

After work in Norwich today I stopped a couple of times on a meander home.

Around the back of Dunston Hall I had a rummage about and to my great surprise found a new plant for me - Blue Anemone in full flower. Also in the same spot were my first Bluebells of the year and a nice Comma of the pale spring form 'hutchinsii'

When nearly home I then had a wander in Tyrrels Wood to check on the Early Purple Orchids. I found a few in flower, not many yet but plenty still to come. 3 Brimstones, Song Thrush, a pair of ground-level Nuthatches and pair of Marsh Tits made it a very pleasant stroll.

                                                                                                                                Blue Anemone

                                                                                                                            Early Purple Orchid

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