World Birding Trips

Petty Whin - at last! 5 May 2023

Petty Whin is very scarce in East Anglia and one I've looked for in vain for years at places it has occured in the past. Luckily Rob Yaxley found some at one such site and kindly volunteered some grid refs. As we were already going halfway there anyway Belinda and I ventured out there on a sunny Friday evening and were rewarded with some lovely flowering plants in both spots I looked. After so many failures it was fantastic to finally see it. Into the bargain I also found Heath Dog Violet, 4 Woodlarks (including 2 on a track just feet away), Stonechat, Willow Warbler and a new spider which I'd not seen before - Gorse Orbweb Spider, Agalenatea redii on it's web slung between heather plants.

                                                                                                                                  Petty Whin
                                                                                                                                    Heath Dog Violet
                                                                                                                            Gorse Orbweb Spider

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