World Birding Trips

Canada, Vancouver Island & The Rockies, Days 20 & 21, 5 & 6 June 2023 - Kamloops area and Hope

Leaving Valemount today was the day we started to head back towards Vancouver. En-route we had an overnighter to the east of Kamloops. 

First stop once we'd driven to Kamloops was the Cooney Bay/Tranquille area to the west of the city. This was earmarked for Lazuli Bunting which of course I'd already seen but I readily found 2 more. Also there was Say's Phoebe, Bullock's Oriole, Vesper Sparrow, Cedar Waxwing, Northern Rough-winged Swallows and 2 Ospreys.

As we made our way through the Kamloops traffic and out into the countryside c30 km east I spotted a roadside lake to check out - Buse Lake. A quick stop in tha layby was well worth the effort with American Wigeon, Green-winged Teal and Black-necked Grebe all added to the triplist plus Lesser Yellowlegs, Redhead and Western Bluebird. Driving along the entrance road to our farm Airbnb and I noticed movement in a ditch beside the car - Wilson's Snipe and a lifer!

Thta evening our host cooked us an unexpected dinner and we had a lovely evening on her balcony. But not before we'd ventured out to nearby Duck Meadows where I finally scooped with Willow Flycatcher, my last tick of the trip plus American Wigeon, Ring-necked Duck, Ruddy Duck, Sand Martin and an American Kestrel on wires.


All that was left the following morning was to check ourselves out and make the long drive back to Vancouver. We broke the journey up with a walk at the Othello Tunnel near the town of Hope but it was closed and we couldn't find a path in. Nevertheless I did add Nashville Warbler to the triplist with Black-throated Grey Warbler and Chestnut-backed Chickadee singing in the broadleaf woodland there.

We Airbnb'd it in the Richmond area of Vancouver that night before the long trawl home the following day. 

The triplist ended on 163 with 64 lifers.        

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