World Birding Trips

Little Gulls at Dickleburgh Moor, 8 March 2024

The find of 6 Little Gulls down at the moor by John Marchant was perfectly timed for a Friday lunchtime when I was just about to finish work!

A quick change at home and I dashed out on the short drive down to Dickleburgh. The birds were seen almost immediately and entertained by coming pretty close to the near edge of the water frequently while feeding. All were adult winters with a couple starting to get a pink flush on the breast. Also there were a Red Kite and Common Buzzard up in the air together, Wigeon, Shoveler, Gadwall, Tufted Duck and a lone Fieldfare on the path.

Later on I returned with Belinda to watch the Starling murmuration which we estimated at 8-10,000 birds strong. The Little Gulls had departed by then.

                                                                                                                               Little Gulls

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