Ashwellthorpe Wood, 10 May 2024

A visit to a very 'aromatic' Ashwellthorpe Wood (due to the massive carpets of Wild Garlic everywhere!) to search for a hoverfly that is restricted to that very plant - Ramsons Hoverfly. Despite the fact that they are a scarce and specialist species I found plenty and the added bonus was that many posed still for the camera. While mooching about I also found a few other good insects, the best being the seriously impressive, large and quite scary-looking Orange-sided Comb-horn. Actually a member of the greater cranefly family and a specialist of ancient woodland. Also about were Narcissus Bulb Fly (a bumblebee mimic), Handsome Plant Bug, Ochre Beetle, Strawberry Root Weevil and Red Mason Bee while my first Cuckoo of the year was chiming away. 

Yellow Pimpernel, Water Avens, Early Purple Orchid and Sanicle were nice plants to see. 

                                                                                                                              Ramsons Hoverfly
                                                                                                                          Orange-sided Comb-horn
                                                                                                                                Red Mason Bee
                                                                                                                              Handsome Plant Bug
                                                                                                                                Narcissus Bulb Fly

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