World Birding Trips

Buxton Heath and Broadland CP, 9 June 2024

A couple of fairly short visits after visiting my Mum in Norwich.

Buxton Heath was first and the weather closed in almost as soon as we arrived! Despite the gloomy conditions I did eventually manage to find a single male Silver-studded Blue and while looking a very welcome Heath Bumblebee which is a new species for me. A pity it didn't play ball for my camera as the shot below shows! In the valley a fantastic array of Heath Spotted Orchids and a few Southern Marsh Orchids brightened things up. Chinese Water Deer was also seen.

On to Broadland CP for a circular walk. Despite it being a walk where I hardly stopped to look at anything I did find the rather good looking sawfly Tenthredo baetica and the distinctive hoverfly Chrysogaster solstitialis on the same patch of umbellifers. 

                                                                                                                                  Silver-studded Blue
                                                                                                                                Heath Bumblebee

                                                                                                                           Heath Spotted Orchids

                                                                                                                                 Tenthredo baetica
                                                                                                                            Chrysogaster solstitialis

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