World Birding Trips

Sutton and Upper Hollesley Commons, Suffolk, 25 May 2012

Well, it being my birthday today Belinda indulged me in some birding down in deepest Suffolk in the sun today. Our first stop was Sutton Common near Woodbridge and despite us not making the earliest of starts the Wood Warbler was very quickly located as I could hear it's shivering trill a mile off! It went on to show superbly well. Also on a wander around the area we had flyover Crossbills, Woodlark and Little Owl amongst the more common Yellowhammers, Common Whitethroats and Mistle Thrushes.

After a tip off from a local birder we drove on to Upper Hollesley Common to a drinking puddle and with a bit of patience (even from Belinda!) several Crossbills came in to drink having been calling above our heads for ages! Another couple of Woodlarks over the road completed a very satisfying morning before we headed into Woodbridge for coffee and cakes!

Back at Pulham I finally managed to nail one of our Spotted Flycatchers to a decent photo after much trying!


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