World Birding Trips

Thailand, Day 2, 3 February 2013, Chiang Mai north to the Myanmar border

The next 4 days of the trip were devoted to a Hill Tribe Trek which was something Belinda was particularly keen to do. The 3 nights were spent in 3 different tribal villages with a mixture of minibus transport initially then walking for the remaining 3 days. The opportunities for birding were quite limited because whilst walking I couldn't linger too long otherwise I'd have been left behind, nonetheless I lugged my camera everywhere and did my best!

Today was day 1 of the trek and we had the luxury of minibis travel north past Chiang Dao and ultimately onto the Lahu tribe village of Pa Gui almost on the Myanmar (Burma) border.

En route we stopped at an orchid farm where I scored with c6 Japanese White-eye, several Sooty-headed Bulbuls, Arctic Warbler and White-vented Mynas.

At an elephant training centre a little further north a splendid male Siberian Blue Robin was flushed and flew right past me and the river held Common Sandpiper and Grey Wagtail.

At Chiang Dao cave 2 Blue-bearded Bee-eaters sat high in the trees, Striated Swallow, House Swift and Dusky Crag Martin were overhead and a marvellous Jerdon's Baza circled.

During the course of the day I also noted Ashy Woodswallow, White-vented Mynas, Red-throated Pipit, Grey Wagtail, Black Drongo and best of all a surprise Barred Cuckoo Dove that flew right beside the van when we neared our final destination near the Burma border.

One stop for provisions at a local market allowed me my 1st chance with the camera so I managed some shots of a few commoner species.

White-vented Myna

Spotted Dove

White-vented Myna

Common Myna

Sooty-headed Bulbul
Hill tribe country looking into Burma

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