World Birding Trips

Costa Rica, Day 3, 8 February 2014 - San Gerardo de Dota

In the interests of completeness we'd decided the previous evening that we were going to tackle the longest and furthest away trail today, the El Roble trail. We were even organised enough to have arranged a packed lunch to take with us which the lodge are happy to do provided you ask the day before. Having said all that we only walked half the trail (plus the long steep access track of course) and were back at the lodge by lunchtime anyway!

Before we hit the trail a wander about the grounds enabled me to photograph Tennessee Warbler, Blue and White Swallow and Stripe-tailed Hummingbird amongst others.

Tennessee Warbler

Stripe-tailed Hummingbird

Blue and White Swallow

The trail itself wasn't without it's highlights but generally we found it rather samey and hard going underfoot but you can't sneeze at Mountain Thrush, Lineated Foliage-Gleaner, Yellow-winged Vireo and Ochraceous Wren as lifers backed up with both Large-footed and Yellow-thighed Finches, 2 Grey-breasted Wood-Wrens, 2 Ruddy Treerunners, Spot-crowned Woodcreeper, several Black-cheeked Warblers and 2 Acorn Woodpeckers.

Yellow-winged Vireo

Spot-crowned Woodcreeper

After our packed lunch and a relax in the sun we decided to head off along the Waterfall trail again as we'd particularly enjoyed our first walk there. We didn't see much new but this time with time on our side I managed to photograph Yellowish Flycatcher, Sulphur-winged Parakeets (the first time we'd had these on the deck), American Dipper, Torrent Tyrannulet, Tufted Flycatcher, Spot-crowned Woodcreeper and Black-cheeked Warbler. We also added Band-tailed Pigeon to the triplist.

Yellowish Flycatcher

Sulphur-winged Parakeet 

American Dipper

Torrent Tyrannulet

Tufted Flycatcher

Black-cheeked Warbler

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