World Birding Trips

Lynford Arboretum, 24 March 2014

Nothing to do with Costa Rica this time!

With a day off and only a few chores to do in Diss and Norwich I grabbed the opportunity of a quick trip to Lynford Arboretum this morning. On the way a Red Kite was being mobbed by Rooks over the A143 at Rushford and Fieldfares hinted that winter hasn't quite departed yet. To my delight a small group of birders were already watching Two-barred Crossbills in the larches on the edge of the arboretum on my arrival and within a few minutes I'd got some cracking views of a male and a female. Later on I also had what I'm sure was another different male. With Nuthatch calling, Chiffchaffs, Marsh Tits, Siskins, Lesser Redpoll and c6 Common Crossbills in the sun it was shaping up to be a very pleasant morning. 2 singing Firecrests finished things off nicely, 1 near the folly and another on the edge of the carpark.

On my way into Norwich 2 Common Buzzards were in display near Shipdham.

Two-barred Crossbill, Lynford Arboretum

Siskin, Lynford Arboretum
Apart from a quick nip out after work last week to see a summer plumaged Red-necked Grebe at an undisclosed location this was my first birding since coming back from hols! 

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