World Birding Trips

Aldringham Walks and North Warren, Suffolk, 5 May 2014

A long sunny bank holiday Monday walk starting in Thorpness, heading northeast and then south through Aldringham Walks towards North Warren and back via Thorpness Mere.

There was a real feel of spring with birds in song everywhere. Best of all the singers were 3 different Nightingales in full cry with some nice views of one. A couple of Garden Warblers didn't stand a chance in the song stakes but a fly-over Woodlark on the north part Aldringham Walks had probably stopped singing weeks ago! 3 Cuckoos (2 seen together) were my first of the year and then a stonking male Ring Ouzel flew across and open area of grass showing off his finest before disappearing into thick gorse. Walking alongside the reedbed at North Warren was equally enjoyable with 2 Hobbies, Marsh Harrier, Cetti's Warbler and Reed Warbler. Common Whitethroats were literally everywhere with the odd Lesser Whitethroat singing and a handful of Willow Warblers.

Insect wise 2 Green Hairstreaks were my first ones this year whilst Small Copper, Azure Damselflies, Large Red Damselflies, Hairy Dragonfly and Four-spotted Chaser were also seen proving the exceptionally early spring we're having.

Green Hairstreak, Aldringham Walks

Small Copper, Aldringham Walks

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