World Birding Trips

Spectacled Warbler, Burnham Overy Dunes, 2 June 2014

Just like buses - you wait over 2 years for one and 2 come along in 5 days. Norfolk ticks that is!
This was #385 and counting...
Managing to get off work early as I'd got ahead of myself anyway I grabbed my optics and hot-footed it up to the coast. A leg-sappingly long walk (and a stumble into a rabbit hole just as I got to the spot!) later I joined the small crowd and within a few minutes was feasting my eyes on a fantastic singing male Spectacled Warbler in an area of bushes and scrub on the landward side of the dunes. During the next hour and a half it showed well on and off but as a bit of drizzly rain set in it slowly became more elusive. Although mostly at mid-height in the bushes it did drop lower, even on to the ground sometimes and gave brief but strong bursts of song.
A 1s Little Gull was also picked up by and eagle-eyed Jus as it flew west over the dunes.
On the more leisurely stroll back with Jus a Spoonbill flew west and a Cuckoo was calling off towards Burnham Overy village. Other than the odd Little Egret, Common Whitethroat, Bearded Tit and Sedge Warbler that was pretty much it.
Along the B1105 between Wells and Fakenham I also had a male Marsh Harrier and Grey Partridge.

Spectacled Warbler, Burnham Overy Dunes

Spectacled Warbler, Burnham Overy Dunes

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