World Birding Trips

Covehithe, Easton and Benacre Broads, Suffolk, 11 December 2014

6 miles walked up and down this stretch of coast today but I gave the area a thorough flogging and eventually winkled out the goodies!
A walk down to Covehithe Broad initially produced nothing but 2 Goldeneye on the broad but I then inadvetently flushed the 3 Shorelarks from deep in the marrams and they flew high south towards Easton Broad. Cue a long hike which was worth it because I managed to relocate them right at the south end of Easton Broad and take a few snaps before they flew all the way back to Covehithe. This was keeping me fit! Luckily they showed really nicely back at Covehithe but the redhead Smew still eleuded me despite a thorough search. Just a Marsh Harrier, 2 Little Grebes and a couple of Pochard to add to the count.

1 Shorelark...

2 Shorelarks...

3 Shorelarks

After a coffee I then headed north along the clifftop to Benacre Broad where the Great Northern Diver was quickly located and watched nicely. A quick scan of the many Common Gulls revealed 3 adult Mediterranean Gulls loafing in their midst but apart from Little Grebe, a pair of Goldeneye and another Marsh Harrier the broad was pretty quiet. Back in Covehithe village I checked RBA only to find out the Smew had been reported so back to Covehithe Broad I trudged and this time it was the first bird I looked at!

 Great Northern Diver     

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