World Birding Trips

Weekend ramblings, 30 April & 1 May 2016

Belinda and I have had a weekend of long hikes to help shake off the post holiday blues!

On Saturday we walked from East Runton to Sheringham via Beeston Common and returned via the clifftop and Incleborough Hill. A good number of Green Tiger Beetles were zipping around near Roman Camp but things weren't exactly thronging with birds. We did have luck on Beeston Common though with no les than 3 Adders including a male and female 'coiled' together! My first Lesser Whitethroat of the year was also on the common and then along the clifftop east of Beeston Bump were hundreds of Sand Martins by their nesting cliffs, a couple of House Martins and several dozen Swallows were also moving west along the coast. Common Whitethroats, Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs are now all over the place.  A large female Sparrowhawk was on the edge of Sheringham chasing the local Linnets.
After we'd finished walking we popped in to Felbrigg on the way home where the pair of Garganey were showing nicely on the marsh north of the lake and a pair of Roe Deer were also in fields.

Adder (female)

On Sunday we headed in the opposite direction from home towards Minsmere. But not before 5 Common Buzzards circled over the garden and a Holly Blue was by the patio. Our walk took us from Eastbridge to Minsmere Sluice, up the beach, around Dunwich Heath and then around the back of Minsmere reserve back to Eastbridge. I was amazed to count no less than 11 singing Cetti's Warblers between Eastbridge and the sluice plus plenty of Sedge Warblers and Common Whitethroats and 1 Reed Warbler and there was a Lesser Whitethroat in the sluice bushes. Over the beach/scrape were 4 Common Terns and 2 Sandwich Terns and then over the reeds north of North Wall a superb Bittern did a lengthy flight. On Dunwich Heath I found c4 Dartford Warblers and a Stonechat despite the bank holiday crowds that seemed to follow us all day! A quick scorch along the North Wall after visiting the cafe gave me a single Wheatear plus Reed Warbler and by the toilet block on the way back my first Garden Warbler of the year and a Weasel.

A very small detour on the way home revealed our local Green-winged Orchids are now starting to pop their heads up. Then, having looked in vain all day 3 Swifts were over the house in the evening!

  Green-winged Orchid

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