World Birding Trips

Odonata extravaganza, 3 July 2016

Odonata were definately the order of the day at my visit to a fen site in deepest East Anglia.
A wander around the fen late morning produced 1 Emperor Dragonfly, several freshly emerged Common Darters, plenty of Four-spotted Chasers and Black-tailed Skimmers plus Blue-tailed Damselflies, Common Blue Damselflies, Large Red Damselfly and Azure Damselflies. My main target eluded me however as I wasn't sure where to look in a very large area of fen! Butterflies included Red Admiral, Large Skipper, Small Tortoiseshell, Ringlet and Meadow Brown.

I returned in the late afternoon armed with precise directions from a very helpful David Walsh and within a few minutes had located several Scarce Emeralds in a small area. This was my key target as I've not seen the species for quite a few years. In all I saw c20 and was able to study this subtle species at very close range. Also in the same vicinity were loads of emerging Ruddy Darters, 2 Black-tailed Skimmers, a Green-veined White and 2 Little Egrets which were the only birds of note all day! Whilst sploshing about looking for the damsels here I was very pleasantly surprised to see several Fen Raft Spiders almost under my feet!


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