World Birding Trips

Purple Emperor - if at first you don't succeed...!

After putting in a lot of work yesterday and not seeing one today I headed to Theberton Woods near Leiston and scored with a lovely male Purple Emperor seen several times flying around oaks and sallows only just off the road. Bingo! Also there were a couple of Purple Hairstreaks showing well in the scope and a single Silver-washed Fritilliary plus Southern Hawkers, Ringlet, Red Admiral, Small White and Green-veined White. Later on in the middle of Halesworth I was very surprised to see another single Silver-washed Fritilliary in the town.They really are getting everywhere!
On the way home a brief stop at Weybread Mill with increasingly darkening skies revealed Brown Hawker, 2 Banded Demoiselles, Green-veined White and Kingfisher.

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