World Birding Trips

Finches everywhere in the Brecks, 19 January 2017

A sunny afternoon in the Brecks was a very pleasant distraction today.

I called in for a quick 30 minutes at Thetford on the way through to have another look at the gulls - in the short time I had available I managed the 1w Iceland Gull and a 4w Yellow-legged Gull but not much else of note except a Lesser Black-backed Gull with a deformed bill and a Common Buzzard over. The light was better for photos today though.

Iceland Gull, Thetford

Yellow-legged Gull, Thetford

Lesser Black-backed Gull with bill deformity

Common Buzzard, Thetford

On to Santon Downham next where there were hundreds of Bramblings which I managed to photograph using my van as a hide. Also there were loads of Chaffinches, Nuthatch and Coal Tit but shamefully I left without even getting out of my van!

Bramblings, Santon Downham

My main aim of the day was to spend time at Lynford so I headed there for the rest of the afternoon. A qucik look at the gravel pits produced nothing more exciting than a female Goldeneye, 1 Pochard and a Little Egret amongst the numerous Tufted Ducks and Gadwall. I then walked down past the arboretum to the paddocks getting c80 Siskins and 2 Crossbills en-route. Once in position I spent the time until dusk watching the amazing spectacle of 35-40 Hawfinches come in to roost in tall pines. By far my biggest numbers ever in the UK. Also there another Crossbill flew over and a few more Bramblings were kicking about with Goldfinches, Greenfinch and 2 Bullfinches continuing the finch theme! A Great Spotted Woodpecker was drumming, a Marsh Tit singing and Nuthatches calling hinting of spring.

Hawfinches, Lynford     

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