World Birding Trips

Queensland here we come!

Well, rather randomly, I've booked flights to North Queensland in Australia!

For just over a couple of weeks in July/August to fill my boots with some Aussie goodies.
Belinda is going out to visit her son so I didn't want to be left home alone and while they're doing their thing I can do mine - birding!

The trip is very much still in the planning phase but I've hired a camper from Hippie Campervans (!) in Cairns for the duration. The map below shows the rough route I plan to take visiting Cairns, Kuranda, Yorkeys Knob, Wonga/Newell Beach, Daintree, Kingfisher Lodge, Mount Lewis, Julatten area, Lake Mitchell, Mareeba Wetlands, Atherton area, Wongabel, Yungaburra, Crater Lakes and back to Cairns for a trip out to Michelmas Cay and the Great Barrier Reef. 

Fire up the barbie....!

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