World Birding Trips

Mid-summer ramble, 24 June 2017

With not much else happening Belinda and I went on a walk around the Beccles/Barsham area yesterday. Despite the overcast conditions it was humid and there were plenty of the common butterflies on the wing with loads of Ringlets, Small Tortoiseshells and Meadow Browns with smaller numbers of Red Admiral, Green-veined Whites and Commas. Towards the end of the walk a roadside verge held several Essex Skippers - my first of the year. Also around the walk were my first Southern Hawker of 2017 plus Sedge Warbler and Garden Warbler. A couple of new plants were also id'd yesterday - Hoary Willowherb and Narrow-leaved Everlasting Pea

Essex Skipper


Hoary Willowherb

Narrow-leaved Everlasting Pea

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