World Birding Trips

Bury St Edmunds, 25 January 2018

Walking into Bury town through the Abbey Gardens I was nearing the town end when a Red Kite and 2 Common Buzzards were seen circling. A hark back to medieval times when kites used to scavenge in city streets! In Guildhall Street as I was wandering a very early Peacock butterfly was flying about then a walk out of the south side of town through an area of marshy meadows and trees revealed a few Redwings a Goldcrest then a big female Sparrowhawk chasing a Blackbird. It returned without the Blackbird a couple of minutes later!

On the way home I called in to Micklemere which was quiet. Talking to a couple of guys in the hide they told me they thought the Brent Goose that had been there was now at Barton Mere but they didn't know where that was. I soon found it on the map and 10 minutes later was watching the rather out of place Brent Goose plus (desperately!) Canada Goose for my yearlist plus Green Woodpecker.

 Barton Mere - a new site for me

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