World Birding Trips

A quick whizz around East Norfolk, 4 February 2018

I braved the bitter cold and squally sleet showers and had a quick drive around east Norfolk today. Starting at Haddiscoe I quickly found the single Whooper Swan with a few Mute Swans just SW of the railway bridge. Then moving north from Acle past some amazingly vivid rainbows I picked up a group of 14 Common Cranes on the west side of the B1152 about 2km south of Repps-with-Bastwick. Interestingly there were 13 adults and just a single juv. My 2 targets for the day by 10.00!

Whooper Swan

 Common Cranes

With not much else spoiling that I haven't already seen I decided to head up to Mundesley for the juv  Glaucous Gull. My plans to photograph it didn't quite pan out because I picked it up at distance looking west along the beach, it drifted further west and despite looking I couldn't find it again further up the coast. A female Stonechat on the undercliff and then a quick 15 minute look at the sea revealing 3 Kittiwakes, 2 Gannet and several Red-throated Divers was about if for the day as I gave in to the cold at about 13.00!

Yearlist = 136


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