World Birding Trips

Out on the patch, Weybread GPs, 25 February 2018

A little bit of patch birding this afternoon - it's good for the soul!
What I like about doing a local patch is that it doesn't take much to get you excited, a peak count, a patch rarity (even if it's not exactly rare!) or a patch tick.
Today it was a peak count of 8 Little Egrets that hit the mark, especially as I'd never seen more than 2 before. Other than that 3 Kingfishers were making a lot of din near the fisherman's carpark, a Common Buzzard flew over as did a Stock Dove. There were counts of 102 Tufted Duck, 2 Gadwall and 5 Egyptian Geese plus Song Thrush and then a nice male Grey Wagtail down Watermill Lane on the mill pond and a charm of 12 Goldfinches.

Excuse the iPhone photos below - I'm missing my big lens but a new upgraded version has been ordered, and I can't wait to try it out! 

8 Little Egrets in a row


Weybread GPs, it may be shit but it's my patch!

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