World Birding Trips

Martins' Meadows, Suffolk, 24 April 2018

One of the things I really enjoy in the spring/summer months is a poke around some of the small and little known nature reserves in hidden corners of East Anglia.
Martins' Meadows is a SWT reserve near Framlingham and I spent a very pleasant couple of hours wandering around the 3 main meadows and orchards that form the reserve. One of the main attractions here is Snakeshead Fritillary and I found c50 plants in the largest meadow amongst large numbers of Early Purple Orchids in the sea of Cowslips. Around the edge there was also the odd clump of Goldilocks Buttercups.

The main species I wanted to see was eluding me though but during my search I did find a few Green-winged Orchids but with only a singleton in flower. A Common Twayblade was also still a rosette. Eventually my quarry was spotted - a gorgeous Wild Tulip growing beneath a tree. I'd spent ages looking so then spent ages photographing it!

Wild Tulip

Green-winged Orchid

 Snakeshead Fritillary
Goldilocks Buttercup

Early Purple Orchids

Early Purple Orchids and Cowslips


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