World Birding Trips

Penduline Tit, Leathes Ham, 3 April 2018

An after work sojourn to Lowestoft for this little beauty. Initially I got a brief but good view of the male Penduline Tit in hawthorns right at the bridge end of Leathes Ham but eventually it gave in to some great views in trees along the lower path. Interestingly I never saw it on one of the many bullrushes as it prefered to eat buds in the trees. It was also doing plenty of singing - a very high pitched trill and an equally high 'tsiii' call.

Also there were c4 Chiffchaffs in the reeds, a female Sparrowhawk over, 2 Wigeon lingering on the water and plenty of Little Grebe trilling.

Yearlist = 177

Penduline Tit


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