World Birding Trips

Whitlingham CP, a flying visit, 28 April 2018

A very quick 20 minutes at Whitlingham early this afternoon before meeting Jus for the footy.

What I hoped for was a Swift for my yearlist and sure enough I scored. I don't like April to go by without seeing one! The surface of Great Broad was alive with hirundines - there must have been at least 350 birds with 85% of them being Swallows with lesser numbers of House Martins and even less of Sand Martins. All grounded by the bad weather. Then, as I walked back a female Wheatear flew past me and settled on the grass between Little Broad and Great Broad. An unexpected a welcome yeartick and quite an unusual one for the site as Jus later confirmed that he's never seen one there. Other than a couple of singing Blackcaps and c8 Common Terns that was all I had time for.

Yearlist = 192


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