World Birding Trips

Sheringham, 3 November 2018

A quick afternoon trip out to Sheringham with Jus and Andy for some filthy twitching!

Upon arrival at the arch on the esplanade the 2nd year male King Eider was on show on the sea in good light. Although a little distant for photography it was very nice indeed through the scope. I was very pleased to see this one as I've never seen many and this was only my 2nd in Norfolk.

Having scored so quickly and easily we were then a bit stumped as to what to do next so un the end opted for a re-visit to the presumed Stejneger's Stonechat at Salthouse. This time it showed a little closer than before allowing some slightly better photos.

Then, after a coffee and some book perusal in the Cley visitor centre it was back to Sheringham where we located a single Purple Sandpiper, 31 Turnstones and a fly-over flock of 72 Pink-footed Geese near the Funky Mackerel cafe before a Sparrowhawk flashed past the Tesco carapark in town.

Yearlist = 243

King Eider

presumed Stejneger's Stonechat

 Purple Sandpiper


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