World Birding Trips

Ring-necked Parakeets, a Norwich rarity! 11 March 2019

Despite all my years of Norfolk birding I'd only ever seen one Ring-necked Parakeet in the county. That was at Caister many years ago. So with a group being seen, albeit a little erratically, in the Hellesdon Road area of Norwich I had a look today. Initially I looked in the Hellesdon Mill area with no luck. Then armed with a little more info due to some helpful tweets I found 5 Ring-necked Parakeets high in trees beside the Wensum on the other bit of Hellesdon Road. I know some people don't welcome them but I do!

On the way home a detour past Fritton Common resulted in a nice hunting Barn Owl and 2 Common Buzzards.

Ring-necked Parakeets

 Barn Owl


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