World Birding Trips

Red-foot and Green-wings, 2 May 2019

After moving house for what seems like weeks I finally managed to sneak out on Thursday afternoon for some birding therapy!

I headed straight down to Rendlesham near Woodbridge and after a quick word with Murray Smith and Stu Buck wandered down the road to the edge of Woodbridge old airfield. Before I even reached the spot I got onto the male Red-footed Falcon hawking high over the eastern end of the airfield. During the next hour it gave some lovely views hawking backwards and forwards and occasionally pausing on the airfield light posts. 2 Hobbies put in an appearance, a Sparrowhawk flew through and single of both Woodlark and Wheatear were also seen, the former on one of the aforementioned lights. Yellowhammer, Common Whitethroat and Lesser Whitethroat completed the scoring.

On the way home I popped into a couple of sites very close to each other for my fix of Green-winged Orchids. Both sites had hundreds out in flower and in remarkable variety. One site had 7 pure 'alba' specimens.

Red-footed Falcon


     Green-winged Orchids

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